Additional Climate Projection Data

Sea Level Rise (SLR)

Source: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego
Description: Hourly sea level rise projections data generated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography for 13 tidal stations along the California coast and San Francisco Bay covering the 1950-2100 time period.
Note: Please be aware that the original netcdf files in this directory were not properly organized and when unpacked the data will not align properly with the 2-d array indices. These original bad data files were removed and replaced with corrected data files in November 2024.

Hydrologic Data

Source: NOAH-MP and VIC models
Links: NOAH-MP simulations, VIC simulations
Description: UCLA generated daily hydrology data from VIC and NOAH-MP forced with a subset of LOCA2-hybrid and four non-biased correct WRF dynamically downscaled data.

We strongly recommend reading the California Climate Change Assessment Data Justification Memos before downloading and using the data