
The following references have been compiled to provide an overview of the data, methods, and guidance associated with the Analytics Engine. These external references offer detailed insights into how datasets were compiled and how methodologies were designed, and form the backbone of the Analytics Engine’s climate data tools.

Datasets and Methodology

Topic Description Document type Date Reference Link
Bias correction (WRF) Comparative study on the impacts of applying a-priori bias correction vs no bias correction to GCMs. Bias correction improves dynamically downscaled climate projections across the western United States. Journal article May 2024 Rahimi, S., Huang, L., Norris, J., Hall, A.,Goldenson, N., Risser, M., et al. (2024). Understanding the cascade: Removing GCM biases improves dynamically downscaled climate projections. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL106264. Reference Link
Bias correction (WRF) Explanation of when, where, and for which variables a-priori bias correction introduces variance into downscaled projections across the western United States. Journal article May 2024 Risser, M. D., Rahimi, S., Goldenson, N.,Hall, A., Lebo, Z. J., & Feldman, D. R.(2024). Is bias correction in dynamical downscaling defensible? Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL105979. Reference Link
Bias correction (LOCA2-Hybrid and WRF) Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the bias correction approaches used for LOCA2-Hybrid and WRF downscaled projections. (See below memo for additional WRF bias correction explanation.) Memorandum for the California Energy Commission December 2023 Pierce, D., S. Rahimi, D. Cayan, J. Kalansky, 2023: Bias Correction in the WRF and LOCA Version 2 Projections. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
Bias correction (WRF) Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the different bias correction approaches (no bias correction, and a-priori bias correction) used for WRF downscaled projections. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission December 2023 Rahimi, S., 2023: Dynamically Downscaled Datasets. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
GCM evaluation and selection Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats regarding the approach to selection and evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs that best capture the characteristics of California’s climate. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission November 2021 Krantz, W., D. W. Pierce, N. Goldenson, and D. R. Cayan, 2021: Memorandum on Evaluating Global Climate Models for Studying Regional Climate Change in California. Interim deliverable for EPC-020-006, 24 pp. Reference Link
General use projections Description of process and selection of models for general use projections. Additional information included on Hourly Sea Level Rise projections and the Cal-Adapt Enterprise. Presentation to the California Energy Commission Climate Data and Analytics Working Group (C-DAWG) December 2023 Kalansky, J., et al. (2023, December 6). Meetings and Documents – Climate Data and Analysis Working Group (C-DAWG). California Energy Commission: Energy-Related Environmental Research Energy Research & Development Division. Reference Link
Hydrology Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the use of the hydrology projections. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission November 2023 Bass, B., 2023: Hydrology Projections. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
Hydrology Calibration approach used for regionalization of hydrology parameters (study covers its application on the 9 km grid, but the same approach was used for the 3km grid for Noah-MP, VIC). Journal article February 2023 Bass, B., S. Rahimi, N. Goldenson, A. Hall, J. Norris, and Z. J. Lebow, 2023: Achieving Realistic Runoff in the Western United States with a Land Surface Model Forced by Dynamically Downscaled Meteorology. J. Hydrometeor., 24, 269–283. Reference Link
Hydrology Calibration approach used for regionalization of hydrology parameters (study covers its application on the 9 km grid, but the same approach was used for the 3km grid for Noah-MP, VIC). Journal article February 2023 Bass, B., S. Rahimi, N. Goldenson, A. Hall, J. Norris, and Z. J. Lebow, 2023: Achieving Realistic Runoff in the Western United States with a Land Surface Model Forced by Dynamically Downscaled Meteorology. J. Hydrometeor., 24, 269–283, Reference Link
LOCA2-Hybrid Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the use of the LOCA2-Hybrid downscaling products. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission December 2023 Pierce, D. W., D. R. Cayan, S. Rahimi, and J. Kalansky, 2023c: LOCA version 2 Hybrid Downscaling. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
LOCA2-Hybrid Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the development of the LOCA2 training data. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission December 2023 Pierce, D. W., S. Rahimi, D. R. Cayan, and J. Kalansky, 2023b: Bias Correction in the WRF and LOCA2 Projections. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
LOCA2-Hybrid Development and availability of LOCA2 projections (with ensemble bias correction). Journal article May 2023 Pierce, D. W., D. R. Cayan, D. R. Feldman, and M. D. Risser, 2023: Future Increases in North American Extreme Precipitation in CMIP6 Downscaled with LOCA. J. Hydrometeor, 24, 951–975. Reference Link
Sea level Methods, QA/QC, and guidance/caveats for the development of the hourly sea level rise projections. Memorandum for the California Energy Commission November 2023 Cayan, D., S. Iacobellis, J. Kalansky, 2023: Hourly Sea Level Projections from CMIP6 Climate and Weather. Data Justification Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
Sea level Hourly sea level rise projections – modeling technique. Journal article January 2008 Cayan, D.R., Bromirski, P.D., Hayhoe, K. et al. Climate change projections of sea level extremes along the California coast. Climatic Change 87 (Suppl 1), 57–73 (2008). Reference Link
WRF (Also includes LOCA2-Hybrid) Recommendations for use of specific, dynamically downscaled models (with a-priori bias correction). Also includes information on LOCA2-Hybrid downscaling and targeted case studies for extreme events. Presentation to the California Energy Commission Climate Data and Analytics Working Group (C-DAWG) May 2024 Kalansky, J., et al. (2024, May 17). Meetings and Documents – Climate Data and Analysis Working Group (C-DAWG). California Energy Commission: Energy-Related Environmental Research Energy Research & Development Division. Reference Link
WRF Dynamical downscaling evaluation – results from 16 dynamically downscaled CMIP6 simulations over the Western United States (WUS-D3), including the whole of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) region. Journal article March 2024 Rahimi, S., Huang, L., Norris, J., Hall, A., Goldenson, N., Krantz, W., Bass, B., Thackeray, C., Lin, H., Chen, D., Dennis, E., Collins, E., Lebo, Z. J., Slinskey, E., Graves, S., Biyani, S., Wang, B., Cropper, S., and the UCLA Center for Climate Science Team: An overview of the Western United States Dynamically Downscaled Dataset (WUS-D3), Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 2265–2286,, 2024. Reference Link
WRF Dynamical downscaling evaluation – evaluation of the performance of four dynamically downscaled projections using WRF (no bias correction). Memorandum for the California Energy Commission October 2022 Rahimi-Esfarjan, S., 2022b: Memorandum on the evaluation of downscaled GCM using WRF (deliverable for EPC-20-006).Report to California Energy Commission. Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
WRF Dynamical downscaling technique – development and availability of four dynamically downscaled projections using WRF (no bias correction). Memorandum for the California Energy Commission April 2022 Rahimi-Esfarjan, S., 2022a: Memorandum on the development and availability of dynamically downscaled projections using WRF. Memo for EPC-20-006 Development of Climate Projections for California and Identification of General Use Projections. Reference Link
WRF Dynamical downscaling evaluation – method and results from dynamical downscaling of the historical record across the Western United States using (ERA5). Journal article January 2022 Rahimi, S., Krantz, W., Lin, Y.-H.,Bass, B., Goldenson, N., Hall, A., et al.(2022). Evaluation of a reanalysis-driven configuration of WRF4 over the western United States from 1980 to 2020. Journalof Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035699. Reference Link